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Stage 3 - Analysis

  • Displacement (slider)

    Moving this slider will move the markers between their detected and reference position.

  • Pillars

    Toggle to switch between pillars and continuous substrates. Selecting Pillars will display a different menu, as the processing of the two cases is different from here on out.

Stage 3 - Analysis - Pillars

  • Scaling

    The magnification in the image with respect to the actual distance in μm/px.

  • E

    The pillar’s Young’s Modulus in MPa

  • I

    The pillar’s area moment of inertia in μm4

  • L

    The pillar’s length in μm

Stage 3 - Analysis - Continuous

  • Material Model (drop down)

    Selection between the material models Linear Elasticity or Neo Hooke. The fit for the following material parameters may differ, depending on the selected model.

  • Scaling

    The magnification in the image with respect to the actual distance in μm/px.

  • E

    Young’s modulus in kPa

  • nu

    Poisson ratio, select 0.49 for incompressible material.

  • Advanced mesh options

    • Padding

      The volumetric mesh is oversized with respect to the image. This is to remove edge effects in μm.

    • Thickness

      This is the thickness of the deformable substrate μm.

    • Relative Threshold

      Toggle between the adaptive meshing criterium. Either the dense meshing is done based on a threshold with respect to the maximum displacement, or the median edge length. See below.

    • Displ. Threshold

      This threshold identifies regions that should be meshed more densely, i.e. the regions with higher deformations. If Relative Threshold is selected above, then threshold value is with respect to the maximum displacement in the image. If Relative Threshold is not selected, then the threshold value is with respect to the median edge length of the marker mesh.

    • Edge length

      Set the target edge length for the dense mesh as a percentage of the median marker mesh.

    • Gradation

      The gradation determines how strong the gradient of the mesh element sizes is. A higher value will lead to higher gradient, meaning that the mesh element will grow quickly when moving away from regions of high displacements.

  • Build volumetric mesh

    This will initiate the volumetric mesh generation

  • Back (icon)

    Go back to Stage 2 - Meshing

  • Next (icon)

    Run the finite element analysis